Big Hurt (Crumble) - H - 2.6/5
Aroma: a nice perfume note, some funk..
Texture: honeycomb, breaks apart easy like a flaky candle.
Appearance: light golden, with deep tan areas depending on thickness.
Smoke/Taste: clean hitting, bit of a dry finish (ding ding).
High: Good, thoughtful. Yet can’t stop thinking about the ding to the throat. Still feels rough, even a bit “hurt”. Sorry, had to do it. Not actually hurt but the pun opportunity was hard to pass on.
THC 1.83% THCA 83.25% CBD 0.39% CBDA 0.11%
Score | 2.60 |
THC | 1.83 |
THCA | 83.25 |
CBD | 0.39 |
CBDA | 0.11 |